Wednesday, June 28, 2006

tadpole update

Tadpole thrives...little legs poking step they lose thier tail?

seems to be thriving in his fancy portmerion bowl.

You wont beleive this!

I could not quite believe my eyes and have had to give some serious study time to the pond.

i saw TWO yes TWO baby tiddler orfes togethr at the same time...I kinda think I saw three but could not swear to it...but yes DEF two baby orfes...about an inch long each...pond born fish baby!

no sing of those baby goldfish i cought back oin amy at the same itme....BUT the young 'uns like to hangh up the dark end and I would not be suprised if they suddenly appeared...

bad news

Return home to find the isolated fihs is dead.

I am devastated.

Have to dig a hole and bury so sad.

He was the last of the orignal goldfish from about 3 years ago.

Feel so guilty. RIP

Saturday, June 24, 2006

goldfish isolated

At last...afer much fishing....(ha ha)...goldfish ahs been isloated. Fairly sure it is Saprolegnia that I have to deal with...some how.

Came home the other night and pond had stopped running. great. had to turn it off and leave till this was simply a blocked up filter...serious mud...all running very well now....tadpole lives...

got to work out what to do wiht the goldfish.

fairly sure that tiddler is pond born! has to be! it could not have stayed that size for last 2 months eh! exciting...3 years I've waited for I want more serious orfe action!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Two orfes sighted!

Excellent news. Came home from work and crept up quietly on the pond....two baby orfes about 3 inches long just hanging out down the Dark End. which means that....the baby tiddler orfe which is buzzing around is DEF DEF DEF a pond born baby! How cool!

check the state of the nation for the last fish added.

This also means that there is a slim chance those baby goldfish I added at the same time are still aorund but keeping thier head down.

I was a biut worried about the King of the Pond today - big fat mr koi...seemed off his food. usually you can hear him eating a mile away. Munch. Munch. Gobble. Today it was more of a nibble.

STILL not been able to catch the poor poor goldfish with the cotton tail fungus. Have spent simply ages trying to net him but no joy.

Tadpole thrives!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

cant catch the fish

Cant catch the fish. So sad as he is obviously dying. Keeping himself away from the other fish. I wonder what they think. Surely it must freak them out. I dont want to scvare them by chasing round the entire pond with a net.

Monday, June 19, 2006


One of the oldest of the goldfish has got some yucky fungus stuff all over him. Looks like it has appeared from nowhere although the red and black one had some fungus stuff on him and I treat the pond and he appears to be ok.

So, plan of action. Get the old fish tank out, clean it and put goldie in there…..have a study and decide what to do next.

Vince the Invincible

This my dog playing football. Everyone asks what he is and i tlel them he is a sussex terrier....he is relaly a cross between a westie and a norfolk. lovelyu disposition.

Mum's tadpoles

Thing is she really HAS got hundreds. Every time I call round there she says “let’s go and look at the tadpoles”. She has set it up do have a little area of shade to protect them from the sun. The water is literally thick with them though. “Look at his little legs,” she goes.

The reason I am not allowed to have any is because I have a water filter and the tadpoles would get sucked up in to it. Duh. Yes that is the reprobatish adult I have become. I cannot be trusted with my mother’s tadpoles.

So I keep the surviving ONE of the SIX she gave me in a tub of his own. He is growing quite well, about one inch long and starting to sprout legs and go brown.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Mum has a gazillion frog spawn. I have ONE. He is still alive.

Baby fish

I so so so want tiahve baby fish born in my pond. I go to other friends houses and they are not even intersted in fish and yet they have little tiddlers running around.

last eyar I know I had 2-3 babies but this year they are gone. wher do they go?: do they really get eaten?

Now I have this little baby orfe - I think.

a pond born baby?

17 June
2 x orfes have now grown to a good 3inches but there is a smaller baby orfe about 1.5 so I am presuming it is a pond born fish!!! Which would be fabulous.

For the last month the new fish have kept themselves to themselves down the other end but now they are a decent size they have started coming out to feed with the others….then I spotted the tiddler!

No sign of the 3 new goldfish though.

The state of the nation

April 17th 2006
1white comet red spots - 4in
1 goldfish - 4in
1 shebunkin – 5 in
1 small shebunkin mainly red around neck – 4in
1 red and black goldfish fungus on fins – 4 in

1 large ghost kopi - 10 in
1 ghost koi – 6in
1 ghost koi – 4 in

2 blue orfe – 7 in
1 orfe bendy tail – 7 in
1 orfe - 8 in


New fish added 19 May

2 x orfes – 1.5in
2 x goldfish – 1.5 in
1 black gold – 1.5 in