Saturday, June 09, 2007

a sad day

so I come downstairs to feed the fish, check on the tadpoles and guess what. Yep, little tails have been shed and they have left home.

I felt quite bereft. They are only frigging tadpoles but i have nurtured them soince they were spawn! emptying out their bowl when the water got to high and trying to pick up tadpoles off the decking with my fingers (yuk!).

there are 3/4 left now.

It makes you wonder...I WISH I had had a web cam fixed on the bowl... at what point in the last 24 Horus did they go "Right guys...time's up...time to face to big wide world..." and then they climbed on to the rock and jumped for it ..into the unknown. How brave!

and so they are gone...teeny weeny little .75 inch tiddly frogs....I understand they burrow into the ground.

should find out really.

Life in the water barrel is looking good. The tadpoles I added last week all seem to be thriving.

The new little babies I added about six weeks ago are FINALLY starting to get the guts to show themselves. Saw two of the shebunkins together today. keep getting glimpses of the little white koi and saw one of the golden rudd as well.

No sign of George or Caroline's new fish.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The water garden

I have wanted one of these for ages. It's a genuine old sherry barrel which i have filled with various plants as a home for the new tadpoles. With any luck these ones might just return next year and leave some spawn


A far better showing on the tadpole front this year. I have been keeping them in a bowl by the pond although I have just bought a new water tub to put some more form my mum's House in. Anyway....I appear to ahve kept around 8-10 and they are now starting to sprout little legs and arms on a daily basis. there are quite a few looking like little baby frogs with long tails. These tails will now gradually shorten until they are ready to go and then - poof - gone!