check out these two pictures and compare them to april posts. haven't the reeds grown
this y
ear? There is about six inches of windy rooty territorythere which I KNOW is home to all the new fish who have been added this year. but where the hell are they? There are two shebunkins, two small koi and two golden rud. PLUS the two 3-4 inchers we added a couple of months ago. As you can see in the picture the Dark End is protected by a roll of chicken wire. My heart stopped this morning when I saw the King of the POND throw his body over the wire to get in there.
And How can you discipline a fish?
Little fuck.
So...will this year be The One....??
is the Dark end both heavily protected and populated and ready to pour forth joyeous baby tiddlers who can live in safety and grow to be big guys or will it be the opening scene from Finding Nemo?
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