Saturday, September 29, 2007

winter shut down

A weird year in the fish pond and many MIA after a lousy summer. Where do they go to? Neither do they appear to have grown very much which is also quite disappointing.

In reverse order then….

We started the season with the following, current status follows

1 x white comet with red spots – 5-6 in YES
1 x shebunkin – 5-6inch - YES
1 x red and black goldfish – 5-6 in YES
2 x blue orfe 8-9 inch YES have grown slightly now more like 9-10 inches
1 bendy tail orfe – 8in NO MIA!!!
1 orfe – 9-10 inch YES…still fit.
I large ghost koi – 12 13 inche and 2-3 round the girth yes but has not grown much
2 x orfes - only one of these stil quite slim. About 4-5 inches
1 x goldfish – about 3-4 inch nope MIA1 x black shebunbkin MIA

Then in April the following were added…

2 x silver koi (1 about 2-4 inch and 1 about 2-3)

Now I *think* these guys are still with us and have grown enormously now weighing in at a fabulous 5-6 inches! That is some serious growth but I guess it just has to be them!

2 x golden rud... 2-3inch. See this is the *odd* thing…there is still one there orange with a black stripe along the top but has not grown at all compared to the koi…strange

and 2 x shebunkins... 2-3 inch... and again only one of these left

1 x 3-4 silver koi1 x 3-4 white koi

There is still one of these…a very white/silvery fish so not sure which one it is.

I will continue to watch the pond until it is totally shut down. Disappointed toi have suffered so much loss this year. A strange never happened summer.