Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Very sad Blog - end of an era

I started this blog back in 2006 as a single woman rediscovering my own individual iunterests.  It was menat to be a semi-ironic play on my strained relationship with my mother and the one thing we bonded over - the frog pond. I told the sdtory of how i could not be trusted with the frog spawn at my house and this beacme a metraphor for her regard of my abilities.

Well, mum is now in a home.  Her hosue is about to be rneted.  And I have been told to fill in her pond.

I know.  Not a big thing at all.

Went to do this and what happens? A frog jumps out.  I had a fish around but could not see any more.

Tomorrow a kind friend is going to do this for me.  I cant do it myself.

So there we go.

Frogs represent so much that I love about life.  This blog was meant to be about positive rebirth and the circle of life.  blah blah.,

An the circle closes.


Nikki Bayley said...

Oh love. That is hard. I am so sorry... X

eyejewels said...

Could you not just turn it into a bog garden? A few Iris pseudocorous [bog iris] and a gunnera in lots of soggy compost that will hold about an inch or two of water?

AnnieAppleEater said...

Sometimes we are not meant to fill in ponds on our own x that frog hopped out to stop you - hope your Mum is OK and you x ps wish I had been reading your blogs as they were written as am sure I would have enjoyed !