Saturday, March 26, 2011

a [collective noun] of frog spawn

So it’s a sunny day and time to mow the lawn and all that shit. I start to pull out the old weeds from the pond…

now.. remember how excited I was about the blobs of spawn???

All of a sudden I pull away the old dried up debris and there in front of my eyes lies the biggest [collective noun] of frog spawn you have ever seen!!! I couldn’t believe it…there I was so excited and happy to have these mere handfuls and then an entire bucket load descends on me….

And what’s more…so i then start tendering the pond plants…lift up one of the planters and there are these two big eyes staring up at me like the puppy from Bolt! Hellooo!

Enough spawn to leave where it is…and move some to the water barrel….tomorrow….

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